Saturday, May 12, 2012


Nina Beck
First, I would like to thank the families and parents for entrusting your children to us. Secondly, I would like to thank all of the students that participated. You are each very special and dear to my heart. I could not have been more proud of how you embraced this experience. You should be proud of the difference you made in each of the lives you touched.

To Dean Haselton and the College of Education Faculty, thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the International Teaching Experience in Belize. I am very proud of how each and every one of our students represented the University, not only through their knowledge and teaching skills, but also with the professionalism in how they conducted themselves throughout the trip.

The opportunities to embrace another culture, interact with their community, and teach side-by-side with seasoned teachers in challenging conditions are invaluable experiences that have changed us all. Without question, this experience has inspired us to be better teachers, better people.

The true inspiration is the treasure we have in Dr. Pentecost. Her passion to help others, her leadership skills to organize such a large project with grace, and thoughtful reflection made the experience extremely productive. She is a true ambassador for the University of Louisville, College of Education and Human Development. It was amazing to witness the respect for Mrs. Margaret throughout Belize.

I would also like to take this opportunity to recognize the hard work and dedication of Shavon Wagner. She worked for months prior to the trip to help organize the logistics of the trip. Throughout the trip she continued to anticipate every need and worked hard to ensure every detail was taken care of, so that the students were prepared and able to focus on their lessons.

The leadership, our remarkable students, and talent exhibited are something for us all to celebrate.

With gratitude,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Last Day

For our last day in Belize, we drove up through the mountains back to Belize City.  We stopped along the way to shop a bit at the Art Box.  Our lunch was at Cheers.  Next we stopped at the Belize Zoo.  Lots of fun and up close experiences with the animals.  We have arrived safely in Belize City.  Tomorrow, we head home!  All of us have had a wonderful time, but we are all ready to see our family and friends.  Thank you for following our experience on the blog. 

Belize Teaching Experience

Margaret Pentecost -

Since last October when we sent out the acceptance e-mails, we have been looking forward to this experience.  The 19 students that were selected worked to raise funds, registered for a three hour class, and started the preparation for the trip.  They learned about the culture, history, geography, customs, government, and schools in Belize.  Our partner schools in Belize sent us a list of topics in March, and our lesson plan preparation began.  The CEHD students worked hard to develop appropriate lessons and gather resources and supplied needed to teach the lessons that they had planned. 

We arrived ten days ago.  For six days, the CEHD taught in the schools of Georgetown Technical High School, Red Bank Christian School, and Independence Primary Government School.  We had to be flexible and make adjustments as we went along.  As part of the program, our students were paired with Belizean teachers.  They worked hard to learn classroom management, student names, routines, and culture.  The schools that we worked in embraced our students and made them part of their faculty.

Nina Beck and I have had the pleasure of watching this group of CEHD students in this experience.  They have done an amazing job.  They were well prepared, flexible, and embraced the schools, teachers, and children of Belize.  They were wonderful ambassadors for our College and our University. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Our Last Day in the Schools

Kathryn Strobel:
Our time teaching in Belize is coming to an end. After observing many of our UofL students teaching in the classrooms, I have been truly impressed. Our students came prepared to teach and ready to learn. After watching their interactions with the children, I know they have made an impact on the lives of many of the students here in Belize. Additionally, I know the students and teachers in Belize have influenced our University of Louisville students. Our students have broadened their horizons, deepened their knowledge and compassion, and made memories and connections they will have for a lifetime. I genuinely believe in this International Teaching Experience because I have seen how much it benefits both our students and the students in Belize. It is all around valuable for everyone involved.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Back to Work

Margaret Pentecost:
Back to work today.  Everyone got settled into their new schools.  I love watching all of our CEHD students in the classroom.  They are very prepared and are doing a great job!

Josephine Hardison:
What an unbelievable experience! Watching teachers in another country teach children that speak 2-3 different languages at the same time is amazing. Teaching the students myself has been so rewarding and seeing how much they appreciate the smallest things is very humbling. I will never complain about my teaching environment again!

Thanks to Shavon Wagner and Kathryn Strobel for their hard work on the logistics, planning, and financial work on the trip.  They have done an awesome job!  It is not easy to move 22 people around in a foreign country, but they have done it with ease. 

Sunday - Rest and Relaxation

On Sunday, we took some time to rest and relax.  There is no better place in the world to relax than Hopkins Village, Belize.  We ate lunch at a local cafe, and then headed to the Jaguar Reef Resort for the afternoon.   We finished our day with a lovely dinner at the resort, and then came back to finish up lesson planning for Monday.  Overall, a GREAT day!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Jasmine Piernas
So far my trip to Belize has been an AMAZING experience. I have had the opportunity to work beside an Infant 1 teacher, which would be 1st grade in the U.S. After working with my teacher I was able to learn so much in just 3 days. I was even able to help my teacher create a language arts lesson which was a lot of fun. I loved my experience teaching at Red Bank Village School and hope to learn even more at Independence.

Kelli Williams

Every day in Belize, I have said, " This is the best day ever".  I have had the opportunity to go to the Mayan ruins, snorkel, and swim with sharks, turtles and string rays, as well as teach some of the most amazing children.  I never imagined that I would learn as much from my kids in Belize as they have learned from me.  Somehow through the sweating, tanning and heat, I broke out in an itchy rash all down my arms and legs.  Therefore, I got the honor of being the first on the trip to go to the doctor in Belize.  Needless to say, I was a little skeptical to go to a doctor. Our College of Ed staff member, Shavon and our intern, Kathryn, started up one of our 11 passenger vans to drive me to the private doctor.  We waited around 30 minutes and the only paperwork needed was my name, DOB, and USA handwritten by the doctor.  She gave me a shot, an oral antihistamine and 2 creams. Then we were out of the office, and off to Red Bank Christian School we went! It was a good thing that I was able to return. The teacher of my class was absent and the students did not have a substitute.  My 4th day teaching in Belize was for a whole day as a sub!  It was an amazing day with my kids!  We are having such a wonderful time in Belize!

Saturday Update and Pics

Margaret Pentecost

Our students on this trip are some of the finest young people that I've ever met.  They continue to impress me with their thoughtfulness and professionalism.   Friday was a rainy and messy day, but they walked through the rain to their classrooms and with the students.   OK, not only did it rain, but it poured!!!  When the rain stopped, then the flying insects emerged.  It was quite a sight. 

After school was out, we got dressed up and drove to Dangriga which is about an hour's drive away and had dinner on the beach.  After dinner, we were entertained by a local Garifuna drumming and traditional dancing group.  We had a lovely evening.  Since it rained so much on Friday, we decided not to attempt the drive and climb up the mountain in the rainforest.  Instead, we took a boat ride to Placencia and enjoyed some local shopping and time in a new community.  This afternoon, we are having a Derby party Belizean style...chicken burritoes and ice cream.  We are are drawing for our horse and playing games.  Tonight, we are headed to watch the local team play in a championship soccer game.

Weekend Whereabouts

Kathryn Strobel
We are continuing to have a wonderful time. Last night, we enjoyed dinner on the beach and watched a performance by some Garifuna dances and drummers. Some of us took the spotlight by joining the dancers on stage. After the performance, all of us joined in the dancing! Today we are taking a water taxi to Placencia, a small tourist town with beautiful beaches, eclectic restaurants, and authentic shops.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday Teaching Experiences

Briana McCall
Today was my group's last day teaching at Independence Primary School, and for me, it was my favorite of the days we've been teaching there. The day started off with us taking all the students to watch their boys and girls softball games against Placencia. Both teams from Independence did amazing and crushed their opponents. But most of all, they had fun, despite the intense heat and extra long innings.  We then had our 1 1/2 hour lunch break (I could get used the those!), and returned to teach our final lessons. Today was the first day I kept all 40 of my Standard 4 kids together, and we did some fun activities to learn about similes. They worked so hard and had fun at the same time! We ended our day by going to the Social Studies competition that 12 of the students have been intensely preparing for. The teams did great and it was wonderful to see all the support of their fellow teachers and classmates. The room where the competition was held was SO full that people had to stand or observe from the outside! It was a great last day at Independence, and I am anxious to see how Red Bank will compare. I'm sure it will be just as much of a learning experience!

Marcela Moore
    Being an Education major in Louisville and being placed in an elementary school in Belize as an educator is an amazing experience. I have had the opportunitiy to experience educational, intellectual, personal and social growth. I have witnessed the value of an education. I am truly having the time of my life. This has been the opportunity of a lifetime and I will never forget it. This is the first time I have ventured outside the US as an educator and my life will never be the same. Today was my last day in my preschool class at Red Bank Christian School.  They have been the most adorable and interesting group of students. They love learning and are so patient and kind. I will miss them so much.  I have learned so much from them as they have learned from me. Next I will be at Independence and can't wait for that experience.What an amazing journey and I am anxiously anticipating what lies ahead!


Margaret Pentecost

Our students are amazing!  They have worked so hard to prepare for this trip, and they are doing a great job.  They get up early, teach classes, work with teachers and children, eat on the run, and then work until late each night preparing for the next day.  I'm so proud of their efforts and their attitudes.  Not only do they represent the College of Education and Human Development in a positive way, but also their families and themselves.  It has been a joy working along side of them.

Please enjoy some of the pictures from today.  I will add more when the other team gets back from their school.   Finally, the Internet appears to be working better.