Saturday, May 5, 2012


Jasmine Piernas
So far my trip to Belize has been an AMAZING experience. I have had the opportunity to work beside an Infant 1 teacher, which would be 1st grade in the U.S. After working with my teacher I was able to learn so much in just 3 days. I was even able to help my teacher create a language arts lesson which was a lot of fun. I loved my experience teaching at Red Bank Village School and hope to learn even more at Independence.

Kelli Williams

Every day in Belize, I have said, " This is the best day ever".  I have had the opportunity to go to the Mayan ruins, snorkel, and swim with sharks, turtles and string rays, as well as teach some of the most amazing children.  I never imagined that I would learn as much from my kids in Belize as they have learned from me.  Somehow through the sweating, tanning and heat, I broke out in an itchy rash all down my arms and legs.  Therefore, I got the honor of being the first on the trip to go to the doctor in Belize.  Needless to say, I was a little skeptical to go to a doctor. Our College of Ed staff member, Shavon and our intern, Kathryn, started up one of our 11 passenger vans to drive me to the private doctor.  We waited around 30 minutes and the only paperwork needed was my name, DOB, and USA handwritten by the doctor.  She gave me a shot, an oral antihistamine and 2 creams. Then we were out of the office, and off to Red Bank Christian School we went! It was a good thing that I was able to return. The teacher of my class was absent and the students did not have a substitute.  My 4th day teaching in Belize was for a whole day as a sub!  It was an amazing day with my kids!  We are having such a wonderful time in Belize!

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